Creation Justice Breaking Through! General Conference Wrap Up from Fossil Free UMC

We have a lot to celebrate from General Conference this year with huge steps forward to address climate justice, environmental urgency and netzero. We are breaking through! Fossil Free UMC has a renewed mandate, next steps, and new partners for faithful and revitalizing climate action in the United Methodist Church.

There was good to be seen in the news as well this morning! Even as Fossil Free UMC continues to make its case that the right and faithful course of action is to divest from fossil fuels, the secular world is moving. For almost 20 years, solar has been the fastest growing source of renewable electricity. A new report shows that we are now at 30% electricity generation by renewables globally, and fossil fuels is on the cusp of steady reduction as oil and gas are replaced with clean energy solutions.

Cathy Velasquez Eberhart and Mike Koob stand at the creation justice table in the exhibitor’s section at General Conference.

In this article read/view key moments for Fossil Free UMC at Conference, and next steps.

Highlights At Conference:

Netzero moves center:

Three items of legislation that passed at General Conference directly spoke to netzero, and others referenced or came alongside it. The legislation affirmed a commitment to join the netzero pledge from the Council of Bishops and other boards and agencies, and also gave a blueprint for how to do that, including yearly energy audits for UMC organizations and churches, and developing plans in every church that will get us where we need to go.

The transition to netzero alone will draw us toward urgent electrification and divestment. Passage of this legislation means United Methodists are embracing the need for a swift transition to renewables church-wide.

Legislative action:

Creation justice legislation in general was affirmed by wide margins both in committee and on the floor of General Conference. The denomination is set to see a rise in green teams / creation care teams and sustainable practices. Theologically, legislation spoke to reclaiming our biblical heritage and gospel teaching for creation and renewing our understanding of ourselves as caretakers of the earth.

Facing the Charlotte Convention Center was ‘The Green,’ a park which attendees were encouraged to visit with guided prayer.

New Divestment Options at Wespath:

The Spirited and faithful conversation about divestment and the desire of so many United Methodists to divest and witness to divestment in the church won new action from Wespath. Wespath spoke openly in promoting the sustainable funds they offer that are already intended to be fossil free (created in 2017) and announced plans to expand their divestment options, better manage those options, and make them available to annual conferences, organizations, churches, and faith foundations. Divest your pension today.

“The time for change is now”:

George Howard, a lay delegate from West Ohio, led the effort to bring divestment to plenary and was poised to deliver the Fossil Free minority report when the legislation was referred. Referred does not mean defeated! We made enormous progress. An excerpt of the speech Howard was set to deliver, “The leading cause of climate change is fossil fuels. Some argue we need to continue to invest in them so that we can continue to stay at the table with these companies. I believe we need to stay at the table with young people…”

Rev. Pat Watkins with Fossil Free UMC stands to address divestment during the General Administrative Committee’s conversation on legislation.

Fiduciary Responsibility & Investment:

Fossil Free UMC circulated one hand-out at General Conference to support delegates in discernment. The handout referenced ‘fiduciary responsibility’ and the risks of fossil fuel investments financially:

“Fiduciary duty means acting in another party’s best interest instead of your own. In the financial world, this means listening to the goals and objectives of your client and offering financial tools that are a good fit, instead of pressuring your client towards goals and objectives that fit what you already offer. Wespath has a fiduciary duty to serve our best interests within the boundaries of our goals and objectives. United Methodists get to set the boundaries.” (Print a flyer to share this information with your congregation.)

Passing legislation is all about conversations and relationships. Here, fossil free supporters gather during a committee break to discuss the proceedings.

Bill Kibben’s Video Address:

United Methodist Bill McKibben was not available to attend General Conference, but participated in divestment conversation both before and during. Watch the video with his remarks: “We can save 9 million people a year, one death in five.”

Visible Witness!

The Conference was a place of visible witness to the goodness of God and the urgency of addressing creation justice in our denomination. The evening kickoff for General Conference featured an Earth Day Vigil for Creation, United Methodists joined witness against banks enmeshed in financing the climate crisis at the People of Faith Vigil, and the Solar Trailer, an effort of annual conference and Disaster Ministries debuted at General Conference.

Jaydee Hanson, retired Bishop Hope Morgan Ward, and Rev. Pat Watkins stand in witness for divestment during the People of Faith Vigil.

There was no doubt that the mood of the conference was moving toward justice.

A Blessed and Active Coalition:

The coalition for justice at General Conference emerged with a clear voice, including in song, tears, and celebration. Fossil Free rejoiced as decades of harm were overturned, and also gratefully accepted the partnership and support from so many coming alongside and calling for divestment including United Women in Faith, Methodist Federation for Social Action, United Methodist Creation Justice Movement, and the Love Your Neighbor Coalition.

Next Steps

The next steps for Fossil Free UMC are all about building on the momentum of General Conference. Every United Methodist and every member of every green team/creation care team is a leader in our denomination as we open our bibles, raise song and prayer, and roll up our sleeves for God’s creation.

Read our 5 Reasons for Annual Conferences to Divest from Fossil Fuels.  

Things you can do right now:

  • Form a green team/creation care team and connect with your annual conference! Legislation passed this last couple weeks asks annual conference staff to support your efforts.
  • Ask your annual conference staff for resourcing support for netzero next steps, including an energy audit.
  • Build relationships to the trustees in your local church, district, and conference. Ask them how you can support next steps for netzero, beginning with an energy audit.
  • Bring legislation to your annual conference seeking divestment from fossil fuels. Seek divestment for your conference and local Faith Foundation.

Be encouraged! A number of annual conference leaders successfully brought creation justice legislation to their annual conference sessions in 2023 and those petitions enjoyed wide support: including votes of approval in the 80-90% range. Have faith! United Methodists want to get this done.

Those attending General Conference were encouraged to #BeUMC Certainly, there was so much to celebrate. Now, onward!

Rev. Richenda Fairhurst is an elder in the Greater Northwest Area, living in Southern Oregon. She volunteers with the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement and a number of other organizations at the intersection of faith and climate change. Find her at

2 responses to “Creation Justice Breaking Through! General Conference Wrap Up from Fossil Free UMC”

  1. thanks so much for this “wrap up”….seems good progress was made, even if not quite across the finish line. Thanks to those who were there witnessing and working behind the scenes to make divestment become a reality and to support creation justice in its many forms. Our deep gratitude, Anita and Bob ________________________________


  2. I have lots of FFUMC resources left over from GC. If any of you would like some for your AC display let me know and I’ll send you stuff.  Just give me your address. 



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